Tuesday 31 December 2013

The Art of Eating

It is rightfully said by someone, that "food is everything" ! And eating is nothing less than an art. We all know that food provides us with nutrition and energy, but most of us are unaware that food cooked, served and eaten in a proper manner can double the energy provided by it, quicken the digestion and reduce the risk of many diseases.
The right way of eating, has been put forth by the Vedas thousands of years ago. Some points which I would like to share are -

  • It all starts with cooking! Cook your food as if you are cooking for yourself in a hungry state. Have positive thoughts and a calm mind. You can think of the almighty while cooking. This way the emotional input while cooking your meal will enhance its purity and will help in extending your love and emotions to the ones who eat it. 
  • Cook tasty food, as the smell and taste of food triggers the relase of chemicals needed to digest the food
  • The process of eating is something which is important for the development of our consciousness and physical health.
  • While eating try and observe the following -
    • Sit in a relaxed posture. This way your stomach will be able to digest your meals better.
    • Eat at fixed times
    • Eat in a pleasant calm atmosphere
    • Eat a balanced meal. Chapatis, Rice, Dal, Vegetables, Salad, Curd are all essential
    • Avoid mixing foods.. Dont mix fruits with vegetables/meals. Eat fruits as a separate meal or with tea/milk
    • Feel your food with all your senses - vision ( enjoy all the colors), taste, touch, smell
    • Eat in moderation
    • Don't waste food
    • Share your food ( It should be taken like prasad which should be shared with everyone)
    • Fast occasionally to give a rest to your digestive system
Now a days, we all rush through food, zip by a drive through fast food place and just eat whatever comes handy! Its surprising that we are earning millions now but have no time to enjoy what we are earning for!
Its time we ponder over this!

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