Saturday 28 December 2013

Sleep Hygiene

Research has proven time and again that our body is like a battery that needs to be charged regularly everyday. That means that we need to stop the body functions and take adequate sleep to enhance our efficiency. 
So how much sleep is needed? I found the following image very apt!

How much one should sleep also depends on your body need and lifestyle. But one must remember to avoid short sleeping patterns as a habit as they can directly result in -
  • irritability and poor work performance
  • higher risk for various lifestyle diseases like diabetes and heart problems
  • higher risk for vehicle accidents
  • higher risk for psychiatric ailments like depression
  • obesity due to increased appetite
Remember collecting sleep debts and thinking that you can make up for the lost sleep over the weekend is a foolish idea. 
Observing good sleep hygiene is the first step towards keeping fit. 

Simple tips to have a good night sleep
  • Make your bed clutter free. Sleep on clean comfortable mattress and pillow ( Pillows not advised for people with spondylitis related pains)
  • Keep a gap of 2-3 hours between meals and sleep. Allow the food to digest before you hit the bed
  • Never keep a TV inside your bedroom
  • Try and sleep and wake up everyday on the same time, even on weekends!
  • Make a sleep routine, wash your hands, feet and face brush your teeth, change into night pajama ( loose clothes) 
  • Always do a prayer, thank the almighty and then sleep.
Lastly, keep sleep as a high priority on your To do list!

Happy Sleeping :)

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